QOL | Quantum Optics Lab We're focusing on angular momentum of light |
厦门大学 >> 物理学系 >> 光场调控及量子信息实验室>> Publication
2025 [140] Xiaodong Qiu, Jingcheng Zhang, Yubin Fan, Junxiao Zhou, Lixiang Chen*, Din Ping Tsai*, "Metasurface enabled high-order differentiator", Nature Communications 16, 2437(2025). [139] Jianqi Sheng, Dongkai Zhang*, and Lixiang Chen*, "Orbital Angular Momentum Experiment Converting Contextuality into Nonlocality", Physical Review Letters 134, 010203(2025). [138] Yuan Li, Ye Xing, Wuhong Zhang*, Lixiang Chen*, "Sorting light’s radial momentum and orbital angular momentum with a parabolalike lens", Physical Review Applied 23, 024056(2025). [137] Yue Zeng, Wuhong Zhang*, Lixiang Chen*, "Observing angular diffraction with an angular partially coherent beam", Physical Review Applied 23, 014026(2025). [136] Jianqi Sheng, Dongkai Zhang*, Lixiang Chen*, "Crypto-nonlocality in arbitrarily dimensional systems", Physical Review A 111, L020202(2025). [135] Dongkai Zhang*, Xiaodong Qiu, Lixiang Chen*, "Experimental test of the chained CHSH inequality in a two-dimensional orbital angular momentum system", Optics Express 33, 8468-8575(2025). 2024 [134] Ling Hong, Yuning Zhang, Yuanyuan Chen*, and Lixiang Chen*, "Loss-Assisted Anomalous Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference Based on Nonunitary Multilayer Graphene", Physical Review Letters 133, 023601(2024). [133] Haoxu Guo*, Xu Wang, Chaozhou Xu, Meihua Zhuang, Yongcheng Ye, Xiangsheng Xie, Xiaodong Qiu*, Lixiang Chen*, "Tailoring a vortex array with equal energy distribution via nonlinear optics", Physical Review Applied 22, 044067(2024). [132] Yu Tian, Yuan Li, Ye Xing, Wuhong Zhang*, Lixiang Chen*, "Thermal lens effect with cylindrical vector beam", Physical Review Applied 22, 054032(2024). [131] Ming Yang, Dongkai Zhang*, and Lixiang Chen*, "Cabello's nonlocality argument for multisetting high-dimensional systems and its experimental test", Physical Review A 110, 012441(2024). [130] Dongkai Zhang*, Xiaodong Qiu, and Lixiang Chen*, "Experimental test of the Collins-Gisin-Linden-Massar-Popescu inequality for multisetting and multidimensional orbital angular momentum systems", Physical Review A 110, 012202(2024). [129] Fangqing Tang, Lixiang Chen*, "Centroid shifts of spatiotemporal vortex pulses with arbitrarily oriented orbital angular momentum at planar reflection and refraction", Physical Review A 109, 033512(2024). [128] Haorong Wu, Xilong Fan*, Lixiang Chen*, "Orbital angular momentum spectrum and entanglement in rotating accelerated reference frame", Physical Review D 109, 085020(2024). [127] Sijin Yan, Dongkai Zhang*, and Lixiang Chen*, "Optimal violation of a Bell inequality in two-dimensional state spaces for an asymmetric orbital angular momentum system", Optics Continuum 3, 2102-2108(2024). [126] Peiming Li, Xiaojin Chen, Xiaodong Qiu, Binglin Chen, Lixiang Chen*, Baoqing Sun*, "Ghost imaging, development, and recent advances", Chinese Optics Letters 22, 112701(2024).[Front Cover Paper] [125] Fangqing Tang, Dongkai Zhang*, Lixiang Chen* , "Nontrivial evolution and geometric phase for an orbital angular momentum qutrit", Optics Express 32, 21200-21215(2024). [124] Dongkai Zhang*, Xiaodong Qiu*, Lixiang Chen*, "Geometric interpretation and experimental test of Leggett inequalities with nonmaximally entangled states", Optics Express 32, 10648-10659(2024). [123] Weiqian Shu, Xiaodong Qiu*, Yuan Ren*, Wuhong Zhang*, Lixiang Chen*, "Sorting infrared optical vortices with a nonlinear angular lens", Optics Letters 49, 2918-2921(2024). 2023 [122] Xiaodong Qiu, Haoxu Guo and Lixiang Chen*, "Remote transport of high-dimensional orbital angular momentum states and ghost images via spatial-mode-engineered frequency conversion", Nature Communications 14, 8244 (2023). [121] Ling Hong, Xiyue Cao, Yuanyuan Chen* and Lixiang Chen*, " Hong–Ou–Mandel interference of spin–orbit hybrid entangled photons", APL Photonics 8, 126103 (2023). [120] Wuhong Zhang*, Xiaodong Qiu, Dongkai Zhang and Lixiang Chen*, "Visualizing the Hardy's Paradox using Hyper-Entanglement-Assisted Ghost Imaging", Laser & Photonics Reviews 17, 2200865(2023). [119] Ling Hong, Haoxu Guo, Xiaodong Qiu, Fei Lin, Wuhong Zhang*, Lixiang Chen*, "Experimental optical computing of complex vector convolution with twisted light", Advanced Photonics Nexus 2, 046008(2023). [118] Ling Hong, Yuning Zhang, Yuanyuan Chen*, and Lixiang Chen*, "Fast Quantifier of High-Dimensional Frequency Entanglement through Hong–Ou–Mandel Interference", Advanced Quantum Technologies 3, 2370061(2023).[Front Cover Paper] [117] Wuhong Zhang*, Diefei Xu, and Lixiang Chen*, "Polarization Entanglement from Parametric Down-Conversion with a LED Pump", Physical Review Applied 19, 054079(2023). [116] Haorong Wu and Lixiang Chen*, "Twisting and entangling gravitons in high-dimensional orbital angular momentum states via photon-graviton conversion", Physical Review D 107, 125027(2023). [115] Congzhen Chen, Yuanyuan Chen*, and Lixiang Chen*, "Spectrally Resolved Hong-Ou-Mandel Interferometry with Discrete Color Entanglement", Physical Review Applied 19, 054092(2023). [114] Hong Ling, Chen Yuanyuan*, Chen Lixiang*, "Delayed-choice quantum erasure with nonlocal temporal double-slit interference", New Journal of Physics 25, 053014(2023). [113] Jingyi Wang, Xingyu Su, Tong Liu*, Ling Hong, Haoxu Guo, Xiaodong Qiu, Yuan Ren*, and Lixiang Chen*, "Turbulence-resilient detection of the rotational Doppler effect with cylindrical vector beams",Optics Express 31, 16442-16450 (2023). [112] Xiaodong Qiu*, Haoxu Guo, Yuan Ren*, and Lixiang Chen*, "High-Dimensional Photonic Orbital-Angular-Momentum Frequency Interface", Physical Review Applied 19, 044072(2023). [111] Zichao Huang, Congzhen Chen, Ling Hong, Yuanyuan Chen*, and Lixiang Chen*, "Ultrasensitive tilt angle measurement using a photonic frequency inclinometer", Optics Express 31, 14149-14158 (2023). [110] Fei Lin, Ling Hong, Yuan Ren*, Xiaodong Qiu*, and Lixiang Chen*, "Computational Ghost Rotational Doppler Metrology", Physical Review Applied 19, 034042(2023). [109] Haorong Wu and Lixiang Chen*, "Orbital angular momentum entanglement in noninertial reference frame", Physical Review D 107, 065006(2023). [108] Haoxu Guo, Xiaodong Qiu*, Lixiang Chen*, "Orbital-Angular-Momentum-Based optical clustering via nonlinear optics", Applied Physics Letters 122, 061103(2023). 2022 [107] Fei Lin, Ling Hong, Haoxu Guo, Xiaodong Qiu*, and Lixiang Chen*, "Ghost Identification for QR Codes and Fingerprints with Thermal Light Modulation", Physical Review Applied 18, 054060(2022). [106] Yuanyuan Chen*, Lixiang Chen*. "Quantum Wiener-Khinchin theorem for spectral-domain optical coherence tomography", Physical Review Applied 18, 014077(2022). [105] Haoxu Guo, Xiaodong Qiu*, Lixiang Chen*, "Simple-diffraction-based deep learning to reconstruct a high-dimensional orbital-angular-momentum spectrum via single-shot measurement", Physical Review Applied 17, 054019(2022). [104] Yuanyuan Chen, Qian Shen, Song Luo, Long Zhang, Zhanghai Chen, and Lixiang Chen*, "Entanglement-Assisted Absorption Spectroscopy by hong-ou-mandel interference", Physical Review Applied 17, 014010(2022). [103] Haorong Wu, Xilong Fan*, and Lixiang Chen*, "How gravitational fluctuations degrade the high-dimensional spatial entanglement", Physical Review D 106, 045023(2022). [102] Dongkai Zhang, Xiaodong Qiu, Wuhong Zhang*, and Lixiang Chen*, "Verifying angular-position entanglement by Hardy's paradox with multisetting high-dimensional systems", Physical Review A 105, 062401(2022). [101] Yidan Cai, Shaochen Fang, Haoxu Guo, Diefei Xu, Guoyu Yang, Wuhong Zhang*, and Lixiang Chen*, "Deep-learning-based recognition of fractional c-point indices in polarization singularities", Physical Review A 105, 053509(2022). [100] Zhihe Zhang, Dongkai Zhang, Xiaodong Qiu, Yuanyuan Chen*, Sonja Franke-Arnold*, and Lixiang Chen*, "Experimental investigation of the uncertainty principle for radial degrees of freedom", Photonics Research 10, 2223-2228(2022). [99] Haoxu Guo, Xiaodong Qiu*, Song Qiu, Ling Hong, Fei Lin, Yuan Ren*, and Lixiang Chen*, "Frequency upconversion detection of rotational Doppler effect". Photonics Research 10, 183-188(2022). [98] Shaochen Fang, Yidan Cai, Diefei Xu, Haoxu Guo, Wuhong Zhang*, and Lixiang Chen*, "Non-orthogonal polarization encoding/decoding assisted by structured optical pattern recognition", Optics Express 30, 42026-42033(2022). [97] Chaojie Wang, Yuanyuan Chen*, Lixiang Chen*, "Four-dimensional orbital angular momentum Bell-state measurement assisted by the auxiliary polarization and path degrees of freedom", Optics Express 30, 34468-34478(2022). [96] Yuan Li, Wuhong Zhang*, and Lixiang Chen*, "Thermal lens effect with light’s orbital angular momentum", Optics Express 30, 30210-30218(2022). [95] Yuanyuan Chen*, Roberto de J León-Montiel*, Lixiang Chen*,"Quantum interferometric two-photon excitation spectroscopy", New Journal of Physics 24, 113014(2022). [94] Yuanyuan Chen, Ling Hong, and Lixiang Chen*, "Quantum interferometric metrology with entangled photons", Frontiers in Physics 10, 892519(2022). [Invited Review] [93] Song Qiu, Tong Liu, You Ding, Zhengliang Liu, Lixiang Chen*, and Yuan Ren*, "Rotational Doppler effect with vortex beams: Fundamental mechanism and technical progress". Frontiers in Physics 10, 938593(2022). [Invited Review] [92] 阎思瑾, 张冬凯, 陈理想, 光子径向模式: 光场调控及量子信息应用进展, 光学学报 42, 0327002(2022).(特邀综述,封面文章) 2021 [91] Yuanyuan Chen, Sebastian Ecker, Lixiang Chen*, Fabian Steinlechner*, Marcus Huber, and Rupert Ursin**, "Temporal distinguishability in Hong-Ou-Mandel interference for harnessing high-dimensional frequency entanglement, " NPJ Quantum Information 7, 167 (2021). [90] Yue Zeng, Dongkai Zhang, Fangqing Tang, Shaochen Fang, Wuhong Zhang*, and Lixiang Chen*, "Controlling quantum correlations in optical-angle–orbital-angular-momentum variables, " Physical Review A 104, 053719 (2021). [89] Lixiang Chen*, "Quantum discord of thermal two-photon orbital angular momentum state: mimicking teleportation to transmit an image, " Light: Science & Applications 10, 148 (2021). [88] Xiaohao Xu, Yi Yang, Lixiang Chen, Xixi Chen, Tianli Wu, Yuchao Li, Xiaoshuai Liu, Yao Zhang*, and Baojun Li*, "Optomechanical Wagon‐Wheel Effects for Bidirectional Sorting of Dielectric Nanoparticles, " Laser & Photonics Reviews 15, 2000546 (2021). [87] Yuanying Zhang, Haoxu Guo, Xiaodong Qiu, Xiancong Lu*, Xuechang Ren*, and Lixiang Chen*, "LED-based chromatic and white-light vortices of fractional topological charges, " Optics Communications 485, 126732 (2021). [86] 洪玲,林飞,陈理想*,基于光场调控的光学图像相关处理: 原理与技术进展,中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学 51, 030002 (2021). (特邀综述) 2020 [85] Yuanyuan Chen*, Wuhong Zhang, Dongkai Zhang, Xiaodong Qiu, and Lixiang Chen*, "Coherent generation of the complete high-dimensional Bell basis by adaptive pump modulation," Physical Review Applied 14, 054069 (2020). [84]Xiaodong Qiu, Dongkai Zhang, Tianlong Ma, Fei Lin, Haoxu Guo, Wuhong Zhang, and Lixiang Chen*, "Parallel Ghost Imaging, " Advanced Quantum Technologies 3, 2000073 (2020). [Back Cover Paper] [83] Diefei Xu, Tianlong Ma, Xiaodong Qiu, Wuhong Zhang*, and Lixiang Chen*, “Implementing selective edge enhancement in nonlinear optics," Optics Express 28, 32377 (2020). [82] Tianlong Ma, Dongkai Zhang, Xiaodong Qiu, Yuanyuan Chen*, and Lixiang Chen*, "Radial diffraction of light in the radial momentum state space, " Optics Letters 45, 5152 (2020). [81] Fangqing Tang, Xiancong Lu*, and Lixiang Chen*, "Statistical properties of an electromagnetic Gaussian Schell-model beam propagating in uniaxial crystals along the optical axis, " Optics Express 28, 21616 (2020). [80] Ling Hong, Fei Lin, Xiaodong Qiu, and Lixiang Chen*, "Second harmonic generation based joint transform correlator for human face and QR code recognitions, " Applied Physics Letters 116, 231101 (2020). [79] Dongkai Zhang, Xiaodong Qiu, Tianlong Ma, Wuhong Zhang, and Lixiang Chen*, "Orbital-angular-momentum-based experimental test of Hardy’s paradox for multisetting and multidimensional systems," Physical Review A 101, 053821 (2020). [78] Yuanyuan Chen, Sebastian Ecker, Jessica Bavaresco, Thomas Scheidl, Lixiang Chen, Fabian Steinlechner, Marcus Huber, Rupert Ursin*, "Verification of high-dimensional entanglement generated in quantum interference," Physical Review A 101, 032302 (2020). [77] Jiguo Wang, Xiaodong Qiu, Qinghong Lu*, Wuhong Zhang, and Lixiang Chen*, "OAM content and propagation dynamics of integer-order Gamma vortices," Optics Communications 459, 125053 (2020). [76] 杨伟东, 邱晓东*, 陈理想*, 轨道角动量分离、成像、传感及微操控应用研究进展, 中国激光 47, 500013 (2020). (特邀综述) [75] 吴自文,邱晓东,陈理想*,关联成像技术的研究现状及展望,激光与光电子学进展 57, 060001 (2020). (封面文章) (特邀综述) 2019 [74] Wuhong Zhang, Dongkai Zhang, Xiaodong Qiu, and Lixiang Chen*, "Quantum remote sensing of angular rotation of structured objects," Physical Review A 100, 043832 (2019) . [73] Lixiang Chen*, Tianlong Ma, Xiaodong Qiu, Dongkai Zhang, Wuhong Zhang, and Robert W. Boyd, "Realization of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox using radial position and radial momentum variables," Physical Review Letters 123, 060403 (2019). [Editors' Suggestion, Featured in Physics] [72] Xiaodong Qiu, Dongkai Zhang, Wuhong Zhang, and Lixiang Chen*, "Structured-pump enabled quantum pattern recognition," Physical Review Letters 122, 123901 (2019). [Editors' Suggestion, Featured in Physics] [71] Fei Lin, Xiaodong Qiu, Wuhong Zhang, and Lixiang Chen*, "Seeing infrared optical vortex arrays with a nonlinear spiral phase filter," Optics Letters 44, 2298 (2019). [70] Fangqing Tang, Xiancong Lu, and Lixiang Chen*, "The transmission of structured light fields in uniaxial crystals employing the Laguerre-Gaussian mode spectrum," Opt. Express 27, 28204 (2019) [69] Jiguo Wang, Zengkai Shao, Yuanhui Wen, Xiaodong Qiu, Yujie Chen*, Yanfeng Zhang, Siyuan Yu, and Lixiang Chen*, "All-dielectric metasurface grating for on-chip multi-channel orbital angular momentum generation and detection," Optics Express 27, 18794 (2019). [68] Wuhong Zhang, Robert Fickler, Enno Giese*, Lixiang Chen* and Robert W. Boyd, "Influence of pump coherence on the generation of position-momentum entanglement in optical parametric down-conversion," Optics Express 27, 20745 (2019). [67] Li Zhang, Xiaodong Qiu, and Lixiang Chen*, "Full vectorial feature of second-harmonic generation with full Poincaré beams," Chinese Optics Letters 17, 091901 (2019). [Cover Paper] [66] Li Zhang*, Xiaodong Qiu, Lingwei Zeng and Lixiang Chen*, "Multiple trapping using a focused hybrid vector beam," Chinese Physics B 28, 094202 (2019). [编辑推荐] [65] 陈舒婷,郭昊旭,邱晓东,陈理想*,旋光效应对Bi12SiO20晶体中光动量及角动量的影响,激光与光电子学进展 56(13):132601 (2019). Conference ◎ 陈理想,光场调控在传感、成像及模式识别中的应用研究 (邀请报告),第十四届全国激光技术与光电子学学术会议(LTO2019) (2019年3月,上海)。 ◎ 陈理想,邱晓东,利用光场调控实现基于量子关联的人脸识别技术 (邀请报告),“中国光学十大进展”西安交通大学论坛 (2019年5月,西安)。 ◎ 陈理想,光场调控下的EPR新关联与量子成像新技术 (邀请报告),首届全国光量子科学与技术学术会议 ◎ 陈理想,Orbital angular momentum (OAM): Routing, Sensing and Imaging (“萨本栋应用物理奖”获奖报告) , 中国物理学会2019秋季学术会议(2019年9月,郑州) ◎陈理想,光场调控下的EPR新关联及量子模式识别新应用(邀请报告),第十一届全国光学青年学术论坛 (2019年10月, 济南) 2018 [64] Dongkai Zhang, Xiaodong Qiu, Wuhong Zhang, and Lixiang Chen*, "Violation of a Bell inequality in two-dimensional state-spaces for radial quantum number," Physical Review A 98, 042134 (2018). Selected as a Kaleidoscope in PRA website [63] Fangshu Li, Tianze Xu, Wuhong Zhang, Xiaodong Qiu, Xiancong Lu*, and Lixiang Chen*, "Optical images rotation and reflection with engineered orbital angular momentum spectrum," Applied Physics Letters 113, 161109 (2018). [62] Ke Xiao, Lu Gao*, Hanquan Song, Xiaoman Qi, and Lixiang Chen, "Heralded orientation filtered imaging with incoherent light source," Optics Express 22, 29401-29410 (2018). [61] Wuhong Zhang, Jingsong Gao, Dongkai Zhang, Yilin He, Tianzhe Xu, Robert Fickler*, and Lixiang Chen*, "Free-space remote sensing of rotation at photon-counting level," Physical Review Applied 10, 044014 (2018). [60] Yuanying Zhang, Jikang Wang, Wuhong Zhang, Shuting Chen, and Lixiang Chen*, "LED-based visible light communication for color image and audio transmission utilizing orbital angular momentum superposition modes," Optics Express 26, 17300-17311 (2018). [59] Enno Giese, Robert Fickler, Wuhong Zhang, Lixiang Chen, Robert Boyd, "Influence of pump coherence on the quantum properties of spontaneous parametric down-conversion," Physica Scripta 93, 084001 (2018). [58] X. Qiu, F. Li, W. Zhang, Z, Zhu, and L. Chen*, "Spiral phase contrast imaging in nonlinear optics: seeing phase objects using invisible illumination," Optica 5, 208-212 (2018) [57] Xiaodong Qiu, Fangshu Li, Haigang Liu, Xianfeng Chen*, and Lixiang Chen*, "Optical vortex copier and regenerator in the Fourier domain," Photonics Research 6, 641-646 (2018). [56] Li Zhang, Xiaodong Qiu, Fangshu Li, Haigang Liu, Xianfeng Chen*, and Lixiang Chen*, "Second harmonic generation with full Poincaré beams," Optics Express 26, 11678 (2018). [55] W. Zhang and L. Chen*, "High-harmonic-generation-inspired preparation of optical vortex arrays with arbitrary-order topological charges," Chinese Optics Letters 16, 030501 (2018). [54] Xiaoxu Huang, Bin Xu*, Shengwei Cui, Huiying Xu, Zhiping Cai, and Lixiang Chen*, "Direct generation of vortex laser by rotating induced off-axis pumping," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 24,1601606 (2018). Conference ◎Wuhong Zhang, Jingsong Gao, Dongkai Zhang, Yilin He, Tianzhe Xu, Robert Fickler, and Lixiang Chen, "Free-space remote sensing of rotation at photon-counting level," 20th Photonics North Conference 2018, Sessions : Optical and Quantum communications (the Centre Mont-Royal, Montréal, Canada, June 5-7, 2018). ◎陈理想*,基于空间光调制器的光场调控及应用(邀请报告),中国物理学会2018年秋季学术会议(2018年9月,大连). ◎陈理想*,非线性光学中的涡旋调控(邀请报告),第二十三届全国激光学术会议(2018年7月,宁波). 2017 [53] F. Li, X. Qiu, and L. Chen*, "Optical image self-convolution based on second-harmonic generation with a single spatial light modulator," IEEE Photonics Jounral 9, 6501207 (2017). [52] Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Zhi-Han Zhu, Shi-Long Liu, Yin-Hai Li, Shuai Shi, Dong-Sheng Ding, Li-Xiang Chen, Wei Gao, Guang-Can Guo, Bao-Sen Shi. "Quantum twisted double-slits experiments: confirming wavefunctions’ physical reality," Science Bulletin 62, 1185-1192 (2017). [Cover Stories] [51] Q. Jia, X. Qiu, Z. Wu, W. Zhang, and L. Chen*, "Transferring linear motion of an optical wedge to rotational frequency shift in an orbital angular momentum interferometer," Applied Physics Letters 111, 091102 (2017). [50] L. Chen*, W. Zhang, Z. Wu, J. Wang, R. Fickler, and E. Karimi*, "Experimental ladder proof of Hardy's nonlocality for high-dimensional quantum systems," Physical Review A 96, 022115 (2017). [49] Y. Fang, Q. Lu, X. Wang, W. Zhang, and L. Chen*, "Fractional-topological-charge-induced vortex birth and splitting of light fields on the submicron scale," Physical Review A 95, 023821 (2017). Highlighted as Editors' Suggestion in Physical Review A [48] W. Zhang, J. Wang, F. Li, L. Chen*, and E. Karimi*, "Revealing optical vortices with a small number of photons," Laser & Photonics Reviews 11, 1600163 (2017). Selected by the editors for an Inside Cover Paper [47] 齐倩倩,陈灿斌,徐天哲,张武虹,陈理想*,基于物体对称性实现旋转多普勒效应的优化测量,厦门大学学报(自然科学版),56, 220 (2017). [46] 赵媛丽,李方舒,邱晓东,张武虹,炉庆洪*,陈理想*,倍频过程中复合涡旋拓扑荷数的倍增效应,激光与光电子学进展, 54, 051901 (2017). Conference ◎L. Chen*, "Sorting, Imaging, Detecting and Sensing with Twisted Photons," The 9th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2017, July, Harbin, China). (Invited talk). ◎X. Qiu, F. Li, and L. Chen*, "Manipulating Optical Vortices based on Convolution in Second-Harmonic Generation," The 4th International Conference on Optical Angular Momentum (ICOAM 2017, September, Anacapri, Italy). ◎Y. Zhang and L. Chen*, "LED-based twisted light's superpositions for color image and audio transmission," Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP 2017, November, Guagnzhou) (Invited talk). 2016 [45] W. Zhang, Z. Wu, J. Wang, and L. Chen*, "Experimental demonstration of twisted light's diffraction theory based on digital spiral imaging," Chinese Optics Letters 14, 110501 (2016). [44] J. Wang, Y. Zhang, W. Zhang, and L. Chen*, "Theta-modulated generation of chromatic orbital angular momentum beams from a white-light source," Optics Express 24, 23911-23916 (2016). [43] W. Zhang and L. Chen*, "Encoding and decoding of digital spiral imaging based on bidirectional transformation of light’s spatial eigenmodes," Optics Letters 41, 2843 (2016). [42] J. Zhou, W. Zhang, and L. Chen*, "Experimental detection of high-order or fractional orbital angular momentum of light based on a robust mode converter," Applied Physics Letters 108, 111108 (2016). [41] Y. Zhang, W. Zhang, M. Su, and L. Chen*, "Shaping the Arago-Poisson spot with incomplete spiral phase modulation," Journal of the Optical Society of America A 33, 570 (2016). [40] Z. Wu and L. Chen*,"Electro-optic analyzer of angular momentum hyperentanglement," Scientific Reports 6, 21856 (2016). Conference ◎Wuhong Zhang, Jie Zhou, Lixiang Chen*, "Exploiting a robust π/2 mode converter for high-order orbital angular momentum detection," SPIE Paper 9950-22 (San Diego, California, United States, August 2016). 2015 [39] C. Yu, X. Lu*, X. Wang and L. Chen*, "Highly nonparaxial propagation and optical power exchange in uniaxial crystals: Analytical and numerical study," Europhysics Letters 112, 54005 (2015). [38] J. Wang, W. Zhang, Q. Qi, S. Zheng, and L. Chen*, "Gradual edge enhancement in spiral phase contrast imaging with fractional vortex filters," Scientific Reports 5, 15826 (2015). [37] 陈理想*, 张远颖,"光子高阶轨道角动量制备、调控及传感应用研究进展," 物理学报 64, 164210 (2015). (Invited Review) 《物理学报》 微信平台 cover image
Conference ◎陈理想*,涡旋光场的量子调控及其应用,福建省物理学会第十一次会员代表大会暨学术年会(泉州, 2015年12月)(大会报告). ◎L. Chen*, "Classical and quantum manipulation of photon orbital angular momentum," The 7th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2015, July, Nanjing, China). (Invited talk). 2014 [36] X. Lu and L. Chen*, "Vortex generation and inhomogeneous Faraday rotation of a nonparaxial Gaussian beam in isotropic magneto-optic crystals," Optics Letters 39, 3728 (2014). [35] M. Su and L. Chen*, "Remote state preparation of three-dimensional optical vortices," Optics Express 22, 10898 (2014). [34] W. Zhang, Q. Qi, J. Zhou and L. Chen*, "Mimicking Faraday rotation to sort the orbital angular momentum of light," Physical Review Letters 112, 153601 (2014). 2014中国光学重要成果 [Highlighted in Asia Pacific Physics Newsletter @World Scientific]
[33] X. Lu, Z. Wu, W. Zhang, and L. Chen*, "Polarization singularities and orbital angular momentum sidebands from rotational symmetry broken by the Pockels effect," Scientific Reports 4, 4865 (2014). [32] L. Chen*, J. Lei, and J. Romero, “Quantum digital spiral imaging,” Light: Science & Applications 3, e153 (2014) [Research Summary] Quantum optics: Probing pure-phase objects
[31] L. Chen*, W. Zhang, K. Cai, Y. Zhang, and Q. Qi, "Revisiting the which-way experiment with twisted light beams," Optics Letters 39, 5897 (2014). Conference ◎L. Chen*, "Sorting orbital angular momentum of light based on polarization rotation," 12th Intl. Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC 2014, November, Hefei, China). ◎陈理想*,光子轨道角动量的调控技术及应用(邀请报告),中国物理学会2014年秋季学术会议(2014年9月,哈尔滨). ◎张武虹,陈理想*,光子轨道角动量的制备、分离及数字螺旋成像,中国物理学会2014年秋季学术会议(2014年9月,哈尔滨). 2013 [30] L. Chen*, W. Zhang, Q. Lu, and X. Lin, “Making and identifying optical superpositions of high orbital angular momenta,” Physical Review A 88, 053831 (2013). [29] W. Zhang, M. Su, Z. Wu, M. Lu, B. Huang, and L. Chen*, "High-dimensional orbital angular momentum entanglement concentration based on Laguerre-Gaussian mode selection," Laser Physics Letters 10, 095201 (2013). [28] X. Lu and L. Chen*, "Anisotropic dynamics of optical vortex-beam propagating in biaxial crystals: a numerical method based on asymptotic expansion," Optics Express 21, 8493 (2013). (15 pages) Conference ◎张武虹, 陈理想*,高维轨道角动量纠缠浓缩的一种新方法,中国物理学会2013年秋季学术会议(2013年9月,厦门). ◎苏 铭, 陈理想*,远程制备光学涡旋链(vortex links)与涡旋结(vortex knots),中国物理学会2013年秋季学术会议(2013年9月,厦门). 2012 [27] L. Chen* and J. Romero, "Hardy's nonlocality proof using twisted photons," Optics Express 20, 21687 (2012). [26] L. Chen* and Q. Wu, "High-dimensional entanglement concentration of twisted photon pairs," Laser Physics Letters 9, 759 (2012). [25] X. Lu and L. Chen*, "Spin-orbit interactions of a Gaussian light propagating in biaxial crystals," Optics Express 20, 11753 (2012). [24] L. Chen*, "Comblike entangled spectrum for composite spin-orbit modes from hyperconcentration," Physical Review A 85, 012311 (2012). Conference ◎陈理想*,光子角动量经典与量子调控,中国物理学会2012年秋季学术会议(2012年9月,广州). 2011 [23] L. Chen*, X. Lu, and Z. Cheng, "Violation of a Bell inequality in two-dimensional spin-orbit hypoentangled subspaces," Journal of the Optical Society of Amemica B 28, 2915 (2011). [22] L. Chen* and W. She, “Spin-orbit-path hybrid Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger entanglement and open-destination teleportation with multiple degrees of freedom,” Physical Review A 83, 032305 (2011). [21] L. Chen* and W. She, “Hybrid entanglement swapping of photons: Creating the orbital angular momentum Bell states and Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states,” Physical Review A 83, 012306 (2011). 2010 [20] L. Chen, J. Leach, B. Jack, M. Padgett, S. Franke-Arnold, and W. She, “High-dimensional quantum nature of ghost angular Young's diffraction,” Physical Review A 82, 033822 (2010). [19] L. Chen and W. She, “Single-photon spin-orbit entanglement violating a Bell-like inequality,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B 27, A7 (2010). [18] H. Tang, L. Chen, and W. She, “The spatially varying polarization of a focused Gaussian beam in quasi-phase-matched superlattice under electro-optic effect,” Optics Express 18, 25000 (2010). [17] X. Zeng, L. Chen, H. Tang, B. Zhang, D. Zhong, and W. She, “Electro-optic coupling of wide wavelength range in linear chirped-periodically poled lithium niobate and its applications,” Opt. Express 18, 5061 (2010). [16] E. Karimi, J. Leach, S. Slussarenko, B. Piccirillo, L. Marrucci, L. Chen, W. She, S. Franke-Arnold, M. J. Padgett, and E Santamato, “Spin-orbit hybrid entanglement of photons and quantum contextuality,” Physical Review A 82, 022115 (2010). Conference ◎ 陈理想,光子角动量调控及其在量子信息中的应用,第十四届全国基础光学与光物理研讨会(2010年11月,厦门) 第七届“饶毓泰基础光学奖”获奖邀请报告 ◎ Lixiang Chen, "Quantum teleportation and its applications in quantum network," PAPHTIO 2010 (January, Mugdock Country Park, Scotland) Before 2010 [15] L. Chen and W. She, “Teleportation of a controllable orbital angular momentum generator,” Physical Review A 80, 063831 (2009). [14] L. Chen and W. She, “Encoding orbital angular momentum onto multiple spin states based on a Huffman tree,” New Journal Physics 11, 103002 (2009). [13] L. Chen and W. She, “Increasing Shannon dimensionality by hyperentanglement of spin and fractional orbital angular momentum,” Optics Letters 34, 1855 (2009). [12] L. Chen and W. She, “Electrically tunable and spin-dependent integer or non-integer orbital angular momentum generator,” Optics Letters 34, 178 (2009). [11] H. Tang, L. Chen, G. Zheng, D. Huang and W. She, "Electrically controlled second harmonic generation of circular polarization in a single LiNbO3 optical superlattice," Applied Physics B 94, 661 (2009). [10] L. Chen and W. She, “Sorting photons of different rotational Doppler shifts (RDS) by orbital angular momentum of single-photon with spin-orbit-RDS entanglement,” Optics Express 16, 14629 (2008). [9] L. Chen, L. Mao, Y. Li, G. Zheng, and W. She, "Wave coupling theory for mutual action of optical activity and Pockels effect in birefringent crystals," Journal of Optics A: Pure Applied Optics 10, 075002 (2008). [8] L. Chen and W. She, “Electro-optically forbidden or enhanced spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion in a focused light beam,” Optics Letters 33, 696 (2008). [7] L. Chen, G. Zheng, and W. She, “Electrically and magnetically controlled optical spanner based on the transfer of spin angular momentum of light in an optically active medium,” Physical Review A (Rapid communications) 75, R061403 (2007).
[6] L. Chen and W. She, “Arbitrary-to-linear or linear-to-arbitrary polarization controller based on Faraday and Pockels effects in a single BGO crystal,” Optics Express 15, 15589 (2007). [5] G. Zheng, J. Xu, L. Chen, H. Wang, and W. She, "Athermal design for the potassium titanyl phosphate electro-optical modulator," Applied Optics 46, 6774 (2007). [4] 李燕明, 陈理想, 佘卫龙,“光致异构全光逻辑门理论与实验研究,” 物理学报 56, 5895 (2007). [3] 许婕, 陈理想, 郑国梁, 王红成, 佘卫龙,“双折射晶体中旋光效应的耦合波理论,” 物理学报 56, 4615 (2007). [2] G.Zheng, J. Xu, H. Wang, L. Chen, and W. She, "Effect of polarization state on electro-optic coupling and its application to polarization rotation," Applied Optics 45, 8648 (2006). [1] L. Chen, G. Zheng, J. Xu, B. Zhang, and W. She, “Electrically controlled transfer of spin angular momentum of light in an optically active medium,” Optics Letters 31, 3474 (2006). |
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