QOL | Quantum Optics Lab We're focusing on angular momentum of light |
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Spin Photons |
Hi there, welcome to visit our Quantum Optics Lab (Structured Light & Quantum Information) in the Department of Physics at Xiamen University. Our research interest ranges from structured light, nonlinear optics, to quantum information, in particular, spin and orbital angular momentum (OAM) of photons and their quantum aspects. The aim of our lab is to build both the theoretical and experimental toolbox for generation, manipulation and measurement of quantum entanglement with twisted photons, and their promising applications in new quantum information protocols of high dimensions. Welcome to join us together to rotate, twist and entangle the single photons! 我们热忱欢迎对光学、量子物理感兴趣的同学们报考实验室的研究生,每年招收光学、凝聚态物理等方向的博士生2名,硕士生5名。我们还欢迎低年级或高年级的本科生来到我们的实验室从事理论或实验科研项目的培养与训练! |
Twisted Photons |
Copyright © 2011-2023 厦门大学量子光学实验室 地址:中国•厦门•厦门大学海韵园物理机电航空大楼 418, 112 室 |联系我们| |Lab Tour|